Welcome to Dragonfire 2011, the 23rd convention run by the Cape Legion of Adventurers and Wargamers.
The theme for this year's event is Lost in Time. This year promises LARPs, modules, boardgames, cardgames,
anime screenings, warhammer and more.
The dates for Dragonfire this year are 5th - 9th August.
Yes, thats right, 5 days of convention... sort of.
Tuesday the 9th is a public holiday, so demos will start on the thursday evening and then the main portion
of the convention will begin on the Friday evening and continue through to Sunday evening. Festivities will
then start up again on the Monday evening and finally finish off on the Tuesday. This year has more things
happening, more days to enjoy, and a time you won't forget.
Welcome, to Dragonfire - Lost in Time