

1200 points Pitched Battle
3rd edition rules (Trial assault rules in Chapter Approved Vol 2)
All models must be painted and based

There will be a total of six games, three on Saturday, three on Sunday, overseen by Warlord Tai.


The tournament format will follow precisely that of the Games Workshop Doubles Tournament format as set out in the tournament and information rules pack [PDF, 1.24mB].

In summary, the format will consist of teams of two players each with their own 500 point force together making up an army of 1000 points.

Each player is to assemble and bring their own 500 point force based on the rules and restrictions contained within the pack. They can either team up with an appropriate partner prior to the tournament or a partner can be selected on the day (where available). Players are to bare in mind the restrictions placed in the rules pack on allying with certain races and the benefits from specific alliances.

Registration opens at 08h00 on the August 7 (Saturday) and the first game will commence at 10h00.

Table Mountain Dragons will provide tables, table clothes and scenery for the tournament. The number of game will depend on the number of entrants. The tournament will be overseen by Wayne Buys of Table Mountain Dragons.